
Ok so technology we use it everyday have you ever thought how bad that could be for you and your friends…not to be old fashioned or anything but maybe it is time to cut down on technology, I’m not saying stop using it all together but just stop using it as much, like phones…phones are used for texting and calling when you want to chat and you’re not in the same room or when you are trying to organize something with friends or family, but now all people use their phones for is Facebook or tweeter and when they are on these sites they are not doing anything they are just looking at pictures or at status that nobody really cares about, what about computers people go on them to watch T.V or to scroll through Facebook yer I know that’s what you can on a computer but the main reason the computer was invented was so that people could do research and stuff like that not just talk to friends that are in the same room as you yer it’s understandable if you are at two different places but otherwise you’re just wasting electricity…think about it you could save yourself a lot of time by just going on technology for a couple of hours…the thing is are you up to the challenge????? 

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